Setting students on the path to achievement

Educating kids the Wylie Way is about focusing on strengths

In Wylie ISD, we want our students and staff to know what is right with them!  What an amazing world we can have if we all get to use our strengths each and every day.  All of our students have innate strengths and talents and we want to help them explore and grow these gifts.  If we can help our students identify and grow strongly in their strengths and interests, we can best set their feet on the path to achievement.

"We all have innate gifts and talents; we want our students to explore what theirs are and allow them to grow as confident individuals."
Dr. David Vinson
WISD Superintendent

Helping students identify their strengths and interests is critical in the learning process.

When someone asks you what are some things you like about yourself, it’s not always an easy question to answer.  We deeply believe that starting with all the positive things first is the best way! 

We are very intentional with our time by giving our students the opportunity to learn all the great things about themselves.  One of the ways we do this is by exploring their strengths and interests, the first part of the Wylie Way framework.

The Wylie Way Framework

Supporting The Whole Child Putting the wylie way in action

All students in 5th and 9th grades have the opportunity to take a strengths survey that will help them determine what their strengths and interests are.  Results are shared with parents so conversations about the results can be had and praise given for all the good things they have to offer the world. 

To make it even more meaningful and exciting, we provide a strengths t-shirt to all of our 5th graders so they can color in their top 5 strengths and the whole campus community can celebrate them.

About Us

The Wylie Way is the sum of many parts: strengths & interests, plan & purpose, core ethical values, social & emotional health, and surrounding our students with positive relationships.

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